Finding a Property

Enter a city, address, ZIP code or the MLS number in the Search Bar. The Search bar uses "starts with" technology, so enter as much of address as you know. For example, entering 1123 will find all properties for sale that have that number, (1123 Main, 1123 Grand, 1123 Maple, etc.) while entering "1123 Robert" will find 1123 Roberts and 1123 Robertson. When using city names, try to be complete; spelling matters but capitalization doesn't. By the way, if you have already viewed a property or if you enter its MLS number, the property will be displayed immediately -- No click required!

If you are using a phone or tablet with location services (GPS), you can find the properties for sale nearest you. Use the "Near Me" button on the homepage or from any other page, place your cursor in the Search Bar and a menu appears with the "Search near me..." option. With just a click, the properties for sale nearest your location will display.

Want to fine tune your search? From the homepage click the "Advanced" button or from any other page, click the little lip directly under the Search Bar. You'll find more search criteria as well as options for sorting results, changing the number of properties shown per page, and you can even save your criteria for your next visit.

Remembering Your Finds

Remembering what you've found and what you like could not be simpler. Just click "Log In" to sign up for a Free Guest Account. You'll be able to save your favorite properties, or all your "must have" search terms.

Choosing Favorites

Save any property as a favorite for easy access to it later. Just click the Star icon to add the property to your personal list of favorites. To view your favorites, just click the "My Account" located throughout the site. Click one to bring back that joy of the first time you discovered that property.

Hold That Search

If you have tailored your search to land just on the right place, you can save it for later so you'll be able to easily find properties as they become available! It's easy! After you've fine tuned your search, select the Advanced section of the search box to save it. Enter a search name then press the "Save" button. Your search will be stored in your Free Guest Account from™.

To retrieve your search, put your cursor in the Search Bar and "Load a saved search..." will display as a menu option. Click it, and a list of your saved searches will display. Select the search you'd like to run, and properties matching the search terms will display.

Make It Personal!

Create a FREE Guest Account at™ to mark your favorite properties, to save search terms for later use, share properties with friends, or to request assistance from an agent. Just click any of the "Log In" links found throughout the site or use the "My Account" links near the bottom of any page to create your free Guest Account. Click "Register" when prompted, and then follow the simple steps on the account creation page.

Okay I Found One. Now, Where Is It?

So your property search has been fruitful - but now you want to see it on a map. Pick properties from the list using the check boxes on the upper left corner, then press the "Map These" button to see your selections on a map. From the map, click the green house icon to get details and a photo, as well as driving directions to the property, or to find similar properties. You can also change the style of the map from Road to Bird's Eye view by selecting from the drop down in the upper right.

When you are ready to hit the road to visit a property, click "Get Directions." You can get directions from your current location or enter a starting address then click "Set". The map will draw a route that you can follow to the selected property. If you prefer written instruction, click "Show Directions" for turn by turn written directions. To return to the map, click the "Show Route" button.